
This repository contains the de.STAIR tools that are incorporated in the Galaxy workflow generator, to assist users in the analysis of RNA-Seq and BS/RRBS-Seq data.

How to contribute

Tools can be tested, modified, and extended. The following sections will help you set up the Galaxy framework to contribute to the tools.

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Set up the Galaxy environment

Create a directory for the Galaxy repository

$ export GALAXY_ROOT=/path/to/galaxy

Clone the Galaxy repository into the directory

$ git clone $GALAXY_ROOT

Enter in the Galaxy repository, and checkout version 19.01

$ git checkout v19.01

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Set up the de.STAIR tools

Create a directory for the de.STAIR Galaxy tools repository

$ export DESTAIR_GALAXY_TOOLS=/path/to/destair-galaxy-tools

Clone the de.STAIR Galaxy tools repository


Set up the de.STAIR tools into the cloned Galaxy repository


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Run the Galaxy framework

Run the Galaxy launch script to verify the Galaxy framework setup and the inclusion of the new tools


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